6 Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in your neck. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces more thyroxine than the body needs.

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in your neck. It is responsible for producing the hormone thyroxine (also known as T4), which helps regulate metabolism, body temperature, and the proper functioning of many other organs including the brain and heart. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces more thyroxine than the body needs. 

Causes of Hyperthyroidism

There are many causes of hyperthyroidism. One of the most common causes is Graves’ disease, a disease that causes the thyroid gland to grow and secrete excessive amounts of thyroxine. This disease is often genetic, and more commonly occurs in women. Thyroid nodules can also create excess thyroid hormones and cause hypothyroidism.

The 6 Most Common Symptoms


1) Irritability 

An imbalance of thyroid hormones can influence your mood. Hyperthyroidism can often lead to irritability. 

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2) Weight Loss

Hyperthyroidism increases the body’s metabolism, which means you’re burning more calories than normal. This may cause unintentional weight loss. 


3) Anxiety

Hyperthyroidism can cause your nervous system to be more excited, which may lead to unusual nervousness or anxiety.


4) Hair Loss

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss. When thyroid hormone level production is affected, development of hair roots is negatively impacted. Thus, hair on the scalp and eyebrows may thin. 

insomnia can't sleep

5) Difficulty Sleeping

Hyperthyroidism may result in the overstimulation of the nervous system, which in turn makes it difficult for your body to fully relax. Many patients who have hyperthyroidism experience insomnia. Hyperthyroidism may also cause difficulty staying asleep, night sweats, or sleep walking. 

thermometer temperature

6) Sweating

Hyperthyroidism leads to an increase in metabolism, which increases the body’s internal temperature. This may cause an increased sensitivity to warm environments. Night sweats, clammy hands, and heat intolerance are all common symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Diagnosis & Treatment

A physical exam and blood test can easily identify hyperthyroidism. A doctor will feel your neck for thyroid enlargement, and test for thyroid hormone levels in your blood. There are various treatments for hyperthyroidism including surgery, radioactive iodine, and anti-thyroid medications. Treatment will depend on the individual patient. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about hyperthyroidism. 

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