How to Start a Gratitude Journal as a Healing Exercise

Cancer survivors can cultivate this secret weapon for mental and physical well-being. Learn how to start your gratitude journal now and transform your outlook.

Taking care of your mental wellness is often as crucial as attending to your physical health, especially for those navigating the challenges of cancer. Amid treatments, medications and hospital visits, mental resilience can be your secret weapon. One effective and heartwarming way to cultivate this resilience is through a gratitude journal. There’s no better time to dive into this simple yet profound exercise.

Why Gratitude Matters for Cancer Survivors

Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” It’s a transformative force that can yield tangible benefits, mentally and physically.

power of positivity, positivity meter

A Positive Outlook Can Make a Difference

Science supports the power of a positive mindset. Studies have shown that optimistic individuals often have better outcomes in coping with diseases, including cancer. The correlation between mental well-being and physical health is no coincidence. A positive mindset can help manage stress and reduce cortisol levels, which indirectly benefits your physical well-being.

The Science Behind Gratitude

Gratitude activates the release of endorphins and serotonin, contributing to feelings of warmth and happiness. Although it may not replace medication or therapy, coupling gratitude exercises with your medical treatment can offer a complimentary avenue for improving mental health, which, in turn, has been linked to improved physical outcomes.

What Is a Gratitude Journal?

A gratitude journal is a repository for all the things that bring you joy, peace, or even just a momentary smile. It can be a pause button on a journey that often feels set to fast-forward.

The Basics: What to Write

You don’t need poetic flair. Just jot down simple things you’re thankful for. It could be a warm cup of coffee, a friend’s laughter, or even completing a round of treatment. The key is consistency.

Format & Medium Choices

You can opt for a traditional paper journal, or use digital platforms and apps specially designed for journaling. Remember, the medium doesn’t matter as long as you are comfortable and will stick with it.

A Simple 4 Step Guide to Get Started

Embarking on your gratitude journey is easy and requires minimal setup.

1. Set Up Your Space

Choose a quiet corner that brings you peace. Light a candle, play soft music, or keep it silent—whatever makes you comfortable.

2. Decide When to Write

Timing matters. Most people find mornings or nights ideal. Choose a time when your thoughts aren’t cluttered by the demands of the day.

3. Make it a Habit

Consistency is the secret sauce for making your gratitude journal a transformative practice.

Start Small

If a page seems too much, start with a line or two. The aim is to make it manageable and routine.

Reminders & Prompts

Set reminders on your phone or leave your journal in a visible place as prompts. Regularity reinforces the habit.

Ignore the Need to Edit Yourself

Many people stall their journaling because they worry about grammar, style, or coherence. Remember, your gratitude journal is for you and you alone. It doesn’t need to be a literary masterpiece—it just needs to be honest. Ignore the impulse to edit yourself and allow your thoughts to flow naturally onto the paper.

By incorporating these tips into your routine, you’ll find it much easier to maintain your gratitude journal as a daily or weekly habit.

4. Keep It Meaningful

While regularity is key, the exercise should also remain insightful.

Review & Reflect

Take time to read your past entries. It can offer invaluable insights into what genuinely matters to you.

Share & Connect

If comfortable, share your journey with loved ones or healthcare providers. Sometimes verbalizing these thoughts amplifies their power.

Testimonials: Stories of Healing Through Gratitude

Keeping a journal “helped me process my emotions and thoughts,” says Thomas, a throat cancer survivor.

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Explore the 30 Stories™ Campaign

Read stories from cancer survivors whose first-hand experiences reveal invaluable insights and inspire hope.

Head and neck cancer - The THANC Foundation

Interested in Sharing Your Cancer Journey?

For someone recently diagnosed with cancer, reading the stories of other caregivers and survivors can inspire.


The benefits of keeping a gratitude journal are multifold. It offers a new lens to view the world—one filled with hope and positivity. Start journaling and let the habit grow with you through the year and for years to come.

You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot of gratitude to gain. Start journaling today.

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