James’ Cancer Journey

Learn how James triumphed over cheek cancer with humor & hard choices. Read about his inspiring journey to normalcy with hope & his fair share of applesauce.

James // 30 Stories Campaign™ // Oral Cancer Awareness

I had previously battled cancer twice before—once in my lung and another time in my nasal septum. One day, noticing a strange feeling on my right cheek, I consulted the doctor who had treated my nasal cancer. He performed a biopsy and presented me with good and bad news. Bad news: he found it was cancer. The good news: it was curable. He advised me to see a specialist right away.

Initially reluctant to travel to the city, my son persuaded me to make the trip. I am not a “city guy” but knew it was something I had to do. After consulting with the specialist and learning about the risks and benefits, I felt confident and prepared for surgery, not even bothering to ask about the consequences of inaction.

Recovery at home involved starting with pureed foods and dealing with difficulty speaking.

Doctors diagnosed me with squamous cell carcinoma of the right retromolar trigone and mucosa, the area lining the back of my mouth just after my last molar. The treatment involved a comprehensive surgery to remove a large portion of my right cheek. This subsequently required a reconstruction with a flap which is the movement of tissue from one part of my body to replace the area in my cheek. I spent a week in the hospital, during which I had to use a nasogastric tube, eagerly awaiting to be discharged and return home.

Recovery at home involved starting with pureed foods and dealing with difficulty speaking. Over time, through work with a physical therapist, a speech-language pathologist, and a nurse, I regained my speech and mobility little by little.

My diet may not be the healthiest, but my appetite has significantly improved.

Now, I feel back to my normal self, although I occasionally experience symptom flare-ups. These include inability to have full range of motion of my mouth, open my jaw fully, and mouth aches which have become part of my new normal. I continue my mouth exercises diligently. My diet may not be the healthiest, but my appetite has significantly improved. I particularly miss eating steak, but I’m making progress and hope to enjoy a whole tomahawk steak without issues soon.

After my surgery, the medical team suggested additional treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation. They explained that these treatments could be rigorous and physically taxing, leading to significant side effects that might adversely affect my quality of life and overall well-being. With a clear understanding of the potential risks and benefits, I chose to prioritize my quality of life. Both my clinical team and family supported this decision. As I grow older, the choice to spend meaningful quality time with my family made abstaining from further treatment an unequivocal decision.

For those facing similar challenges, I recommend finding a physician knowledgeable in your specific condition.

Throughout my recovery, my son has been an incredible pillar of strength, offering unwavering support every step of the way. He made sure I listened and followed my doctor’s advice, playing a critical role in my journey towards recovery. For example, he made sure I stayed on track with my mouth strengthening exercises to help increase my mouth range of motion. From driving me to my appointments to simply being there whenever I needed someone to lean on, his presence has been both comforting and indispensable. 

My wife, too, has been a tremendous source of support, providing emotional and physical assistance with immeasurable dedication. Together, they’ve created an environment of care and encouragement that’s been essential to my well-being.

The most challenging part? The excessive applesauce. What started as a dietary recommendation soon turned into a humorous yet trying symbol of my recovery process. This seemingly minor detail, the abundance of applesauce, became a light-hearted reminder of the daily challenges and adjustments we faced. 

…the journey towards recovery… is a partnership between you and your healthcare provider… open communication and mutual respect pave the way for better outcomes.

For those facing similar challenges, I recommend finding a physician knowledgeable in your specific condition. In addition, creating a warm and trusting relationship with your provider is essential. Commit to trusting the process and maintain your faith throughout. Establishing a trusting relationship with your provider, anchored in mutual respect, becomes crucial. 

I firmly believe in the power of strong relationships to foster trust during such times. Remember, the journey towards recovery or management of your condition is a partnership between you and your healthcare provider, where open communication and mutual respect pave the way for better outcomes.

Head and neck cancer - The THANC Foundation

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