3 Surefire Strategies for Staying Positive After Treatment

Try these strategies to maintain a positive attitude and balanced perspective as you progress through life after cancer treatment.

Finishing surgery or cancer treatment is a tremendous feat, and may come as a relief to both patients and their support network. But just like treatment itself, the journey that follows can be positively influenced by a resilient mindset. There are a few strategies that can help maintain a positive attitude and balanced perspective as patients progress through life after treatment.

1. It’s a Journey

Recovery, like most kinds of growth, is rarely linear. Good days are often followed by harder days, particularly after surgery, and you may feel frustrated with what feels like a backwards step. On the tough days, try to take a deep breath and think about the big picture. It can be more helpful to compare today to last week or last month, rather than yesterday.

The recovery timeline may be slower than you want, and it may change from your original expectations. Try to remember that with patience and a broader perspective you will notice a positive trend.

2. Daily Strategies

With natural ups and downs during recovery, it’s important to have strategies to keep a positive attitude. Allow yourself to accept bad days, but also be aware of tools to boost your mood. These activities look different for every person, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you.

  • Try keeping a gratitude journal or spending time with loved ones.
  • Meditating, being outdoors, or helping someone in need may also reorient your perspective and lift your spirits.
  • Write down three small victories or accomplishments from each day.
  • If you can, focus on eating healthy, getting sleep and moving your body. These activities are proven to help our emotional states!
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3. Create a Frameshift

When it comes to mental strategies, reframing the situation can help, as well. Try to focus on what you can do, rather than what you can’t do. Whenever possible, redirect your attention to the good things that you see and feel. It may also help to break tasks into smaller chunks, to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Check in with yourself. Take a moment to reflect upon the voice in your head. The more internally supportive you can be, the more smoothly you can handle bumps in the road. 


Remember, every morning is the start of a new day. And a bad day doesn’t mean it will remain that tough in the future. Allow yourself to ride the waves, and strive to stay positive in your daily activities and thoughts. Attitude can have a huge impact on recovery, so taking care of your mind will help you take care of your body too.

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