4 Ways to Maintain Healthy Relationships with Your Family

The effects of head & neck cancer can make it difficult to properly communicate. We lay out some effective ways to maintain healthy relationships at home.

Communicating with your children is important. Talking with your family members is one way to maintain the health of those relationships. However, a common side effect of head and neck cancer is difficulty speaking. Sometimes due to the location of the disease, surgical treatment involves removal of part of the tongue or the voice box.

Your doctor may recommend working with a speech pathologist to learn new speech patterns, rebuild muscle or use devices that assist speech. At first, the transition may be difficult on you. It may even impact your loved ones, especially your children. The following suggestions offer alternative ways to “talk” with your children and cope with stress.

Have Patience

The most effective strategy at this time is patience. Be patient with yourself and your children. Allow yourself the space you need to adjust to changes. Offer yourself opportunities to express emotions such as anger, frustration and sadness. These may creep up on you or your children in moments when you least expect them.


Practice meditation and relaxation techniques. These will help give you the tools to manage strong emotions. Deep breathing, grounding, exercising or journaling are ways to provide a safe space for you or your children to release emotions and reflect on them at your own pace.

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Explore Games & Activities

Games and activities that encourage alternative communication besides speaking can offer a fun way to share thoughts and feelings. Games like Pictionary or charades allow you and your children to communicate with each other in ways that may feel less stressful.

Writing & Texting

It’s comforting to know when someone is thinking of you. Let your child know that you are thinking of them by writing letters, emailing or texting thoughts and ideas. These are small gestures, but they can do a lot to maintain healthy relationships at home and strengthen your connections with your loved ones.

books about cancer for kids

The Cancer Journey for Parents

How do you tell your child that someone close to them has cancer? What do you say about treatments, or prognosis? Here are some articles that can help.

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